Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am sitting in a hotel room in New Mexico watching C-SPAN waiting for dinner at a training so I can officially become a VISTA Supervisor. Michelle Obama is on giving a speech about how to keep kids from giving getting and staying fat. She is giving a shout out to community gardens and Will Allen. She committed to eliminate food deserts within 7 years. This will include bringing grocery stores to neighborhoods that currently do not have them (read North Waco and East Waco) or help convenience stores include more fruits and veggies. She promised that funding would be available to encourage better nutrition and more physical activity through The Partnership for a Healthier America.

Her initiative is called Let’s Move.

Check out the USDA Food Atlas to see where the governments perspective on how Americans are eating.

She is talking about making food healthier in schools but she is not talking about why the U.S. subsidize foods that make people fat but we have only done a little to encourage farmers in the U.S. to begin to grown more fruits and veggies.

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