Monday, January 25, 2010

News from Ferrier, Haiti

Phone contact with Haiti is slowly improving. I was able to talk at length with my World Hunger Relief - Haiti counterpart, Jackson Nelson today. He is working to ready their well-drilling rig to travel to the Port-au-Prince area to help develop water supplies where needed. Our strategy is now to help them accomplish this.

In addition to the challenges of traveling and drilling wells, smaller organizations like WHR-Haiti lack the connections to coordinate their efforts with the larger relief effort in the earthquake-affected zone. Jackson asked me to use our communication channels to put them in contact with the organizations who need their help. Pray with us that these connections can be made.

Meanwhile, the WHR-Haiti staff are busy preparing for the trip. Jackson reports that they need new drill bits, cable and bearings from the Dominican Republic before they can head south. We're sending funds to help with these purchases. Once appropriate locations have been identified for them to serve, we will continue to support WHR-H in this endeavor.

A second pressing need stems from earthquake victims who are resettling in other areas of Haiti. The Mayor of Ferrier organized transportation to bring back Port-au-Prince relatives of Ferrier residents. Several orphanages have relocated children in Cap Haitien (near Ferrier) and need help with transportation and supplies. We will support WHR-Haiti in responding to these needs as well.

Thanks again for praying for our tireless counterparts in Haiti and for contributing financially in these efforts.

World Hunger Relief – Haiti technicians help villagers repair
a well.

The well-drilling rig will needs supplies and parts before it’s
ready for the eight-hour trip.

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