Friday, February 27, 2009

yellow is the new green (and other things happening at the farm that should blow your mind).

1. anyone even remotely connected to the farm knows that we've recently converted to flush-free bliss. and the rest of the world is beginning to catch on . . . or at least mainstreamed liberal-biased propaganda called the new york times is picking up on such an under-utilized fertilizer resource: "yellow is the new green"

2. daily dallyings and dreamings into the realm of aquaculture - a passion shared by a lady overly consumed in the world of animals and another lady overly consumed in the world of vegetables.

3. growing mushrooms in coffee grounds. not on a stool.

4. finding inspiration from folks who live on a bus and do things like this:

5. accelerated on-farm usage of something that is not evangelized enough (to both women AND men) in this age of responsible environmental stewardship. viva la diva!

6. common meetings with men in straw hats, banjo/guitar/mandolin in hand ready to thumb a tune and sing a ditty in celebration of the day.

7. peak-knocking for waffles. and gluten-free blanchies for game night.

8. building community voluntarily at the end of a long day, a long week by sharing collard greens - or the ultimate farm blasphemy, a hot and ready - under the cottonwood in swing, on blanket - as the texas sun descends to tomorrow.

9. painting the dorm all seussical-musical-esque and having your mind literally blown every time you sit down and stare at the wall. literally. mind. blown. but hey, yellow is the new green.

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